What Self-Help Might Make Me Feel Better?

  • Support and reliable information about getting through depression and anxiety
  • Good nutrition and eating every three hours to keep your blood sugar in balance
  • Rest and breaks from childcare
  • Therapy and/or medicine from a trusted healthcare provider
  • Fresh air and movement getting out of the house
  • Practical help with chores
  • Talking to other women and families who have been through it and recovered

Treatment plans are different for each woman, but might include increased self-care, social support, talk therapy or counseling, and treatment of symptoms, with medication when necessary.

Self-care includes:

  • proper rest
  • good nutrition
  • assistance with baby and other children,
  • and caring for personal needs such as exercise, relaxation, or time with partner/spouse.

Social support includes:

  • talking with others — either on the telephone, online, or at a support group — who understand and provide encouragement
  • Talking with a counselor or therapist who understands perinatal mood and anxiety disorders can be extremely beneficial.

Finally, medications are available to address both anxiety and depression.

Some women treat depression and anxiety with medication, some with natural remedies, some with diet and exercise, some with counseling, support groups, or spiritual practice and support.

Many use all of them. Find what works best for you, make a plan of self-care, and stick to it. Learn about how to cope with depression and anxiety, and reach out to informed providers until you find the help you need.

Share Your Story of Hope and Healing

If you would like to share your experience with pregnancy-related depression and anxiety, we'd love to hear from you. Whether you have experienced depression and anxiety during pregnancy, after giving birth, or because of pregnancy loss, you are not alone. Sharing our stories can reduce stigma and provide hope to others. Click here for more information and to share your story.