Regional Post Secondary Enrollment

Community Colleges: 25,241

Universities: 73,170

What is this measure? The Colorado Department of Higher Education tracks several statistics related to student enrollment and outcomes at public universities and community colleges. Total enrollment includes all students enrolled in any degree or certificate program or single course (non-degree students). Total enrollment represents all individuals seeking education at our public institutions of higher learning across the region. This does not include private schools or educational institutions that do not grant degrees.

Why do we track this? Post secondary education is a key component of the work force talent pipeline. Post secondary education is a key component of the workforce talent pipeline. These public institutions provide post-secondary educational opportunities for lifelong learning. Current enrollments gives us proxy for the portion of our population currently enrolled in formal training. It provides a peek into the types of existing opportunities for post-secondary learning available in our communities. It also hints at the types and levels of completers there will be in the near future. This information can be combined with completion data to examine how likely those who start a formal program are to complete it. Many of the questions that can be answered with this data require the detailed data available through the Colorado Department of Higher Education or the individual school's institutional research offices.
While a major purpose of community colleges is providing education that aligns with local workforce needs, these schools also provide degrees that prepare students to transfer to four-year schools and a range of courses that provide learning enrichment for all community members.
The vast majority of university students are seeking a bachelor's degree. A smaller proportion of total students are enrolled in graduate programs, and only a small portion of students are not enrolled in a degree granting program.
Why did we use this source? The Colorado Department of Higher Education assembles and shares this data using a standard format for all public 2-year and 4-year institutions in Colorado.

What other sources have this information? All higher education institutions that participate in Federal financial assistance program are required to participate in IPEDS reporting. IPEDS data may capture additional enrollments at a range of private educational institutions including trade schools and for-profit colleges. IPEDS and individual school data include additional level of detail, such as majors or departments of enrollment.

Data Source

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