Annual Change in Number of Jobs


Rank: 4th of 9 counties
Larimer County's Labor Force Participation rate is similar to Colorado's and a little higher than the nation as a whole.
1-year change in jobs: Goods Producing Industries
788 (3.2%)
1-year change in jobs: Service Providing Industries
3063 (2.9%)
What is this measure? The U.S. Bureau of Labor tabulates employment and wages for all jobs covered by the Unemployment Insurance programs of the United States. It covers about 95% of all wage and salary civilian employment. Limited detail is available for the County level data, and some estimates here come from EMSI data.

Why do we track this? Jobs are an important component of the regional economy. Jobs provide the primary source of income for the vast majority of households.
Generally speaking, Colorado had stronger job gains (%) coming out of the Recession than the U.S. as a whole. Many Front Range counties, including Larimer, showed faster gains than Colorado as a whole in the early recovery years.
These charts shows the annual change in number of jobs by NAICS industry sector for Larimer County in both number and percent. The Government sector includes public education and public hospitals.
How else can this be measured? Bureau of Labor Statistics has another program, Occupational Employment Statistics that uses a survey based method to estimate the number of jobs per occupation. Third party private data sources also have estimates of employment: EMSI is one of these companies, and their estimates are often used in our region.

Why did we use this source? The BLS QCEW program covers approximately 95% of jobs in the U.S. The data is free to access, use, and share.

Data Sources

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